Sweet Almond:
This is an All purpose non-greezy carrier and very quick to absorb.
Light moisturizing effects to the skin and beneficial for dry brittle nails.
(1 drop of Essential oil - 2ML carrier ).
Natural Moisturizing healing properties and amazing as a luxurious body oil.
Jojoba is a finely textured carrier and produces wax esters identical to skin.
Suitable for all skin types including Oily, Dry, Sensitive.
Combines well with sebum making it ideal for scalp as well as troubled skin.
(1 drop of Essential Oil 2MLs Carrier).
Wheat Germ:
Extremely High in Vitamin E and is an antioxidant.
Add 10% of wheat germ to carriers as a preservative.
(1 drop of Essential oil - 2 ML of Carrier).